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1.                  COMPLETENESS

              Message receivers either listeners or readers, desire complete information to their questions. Your message is complete when it contains all facts and figures.
1.                  Provide all necessary information.
2.                  Answers all questions asked.

2.                  CONCISENESS

              Is saying what you have to say in the fewest possible words. A concise message is complete without being wordy. For effective business communication a concise message saves time and expense for both sender receiver by eliminating unnecessary words.
For Example: -
At this time                                                                                         wordy
Now                                                                                                    Concise
Due to the fact that                                                                              wordy
Because                                                                                               Concise

Avoid unnecessary repetition

3.               CONSIDERATION

              Consideration means preparing every message with the message receivers in mind try to put yourself in their place. You do not lose your temper and you do not change the due facts.
1.                  Focus can “You” Instead of “I” and “WE”
2.                  Show audience benefit or interest in the receiver.

                        Communication concretely means being specific, Definite and vivid rather than vague and general
1.                     Use Specific facts and figures.
2.                     Put action in your verbs.
3.                     Choose vivid image building words.

5.        CLARITY

                          Getting the meaning from your head in to the receiver or reader head accurately is purpose of clarity of course you know this is not simple and all carry around our own unique interpretation, Ideas, expertness associated with words. 
1.                     Chose precise concrete and familiar words.
2.                     Construct effective sentences and graphs.
6.        COURTESY
                          Courtesy stems from Sincere your attitude true courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of others but also their feelings. Although applying socially accepted manners is a form of courtesy.
1.                     Be sincerely tactful thoughtful and appreciative.
2.                     Use expressions that show respect.

1.               CORRECTNESS    
              At the core of correctness is proper grammar punctuation and spelling. However a message may be perfect grammatically and mechanically the term correctness as applied to business messages as so means.
1.                     Use the right level of language.
Check accuracy of figures facts and words. 


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