Education has been the prime function and vested interest of the developed and civilized nations it brings awareness in the people of society and makes people civilized responsible Education is also a main source of growth of society in every field of life.
We have different types of education science commerce, religious, etc. every type of education has its own importance. Science & Technology has made our work easy, quick and more efficient. It has played a vital role in our life on the contrary commerce education has helped us to grow our industry & economy. It has provided us many professionals who are capable of running the organization profitably, insuring huge return of investment discussing plan & policy for securing our money making our products familiar in the international and local markets, developing new financial products for higher profit with more security.
Economy is the extremely important concern for any country. As we cannot run a smaller business with out having sufficient commerce education, same way we cannot run our economy in the effective way without having qualified and responsible commerce professional. For a count it is very important to know that what will be the inflows and out flows of the fund that it could meet its expenditure. It has to keep inflation law insure employment persistent eco growth and have sufficient amount of funds in hand etc, but only commerce and eco professionals can address these issues.
As the science and technology is un-compromised concern today, the commerce & industry is also having the similar importance no project can be run without finance and planning for funds. Hence commerce education is the ultimate needs of the time which will make us capable to grow in every field of life in the international and local community.
We have different types of education science commerce, religious, etc. every type of education has its own importance. Science & Technology has made our work easy, quick and more efficient. It has played a vital role in our life on the contrary commerce education has helped us to grow our industry & economy. It has provided us many professionals who are capable of running the organization profitably, insuring huge return of investment discussing plan & policy for securing our money making our products familiar in the international and local markets, developing new financial products for higher profit with more security.
Economy is the extremely important concern for any country. As we cannot run a smaller business with out having sufficient commerce education, same way we cannot run our economy in the effective way without having qualified and responsible commerce professional. For a count it is very important to know that what will be the inflows and out flows of the fund that it could meet its expenditure. It has to keep inflation law insure employment persistent eco growth and have sufficient amount of funds in hand etc, but only commerce and eco professionals can address these issues.
As the science and technology is un-compromised concern today, the commerce & industry is also having the similar importance no project can be run without finance and planning for funds. Hence commerce education is the ultimate needs of the time which will make us capable to grow in every field of life in the international and local community.