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Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answer the questions that follow:

Asked if there were any plans to install a pedestrian crossing as already demanded by some residents, the spokesman replied, ‘We have no such plans at present. However, we will be monitoring the situation carefully, and if there seems to be a need for some from of crossing, it will receive serious consideration, it should be pointed out, however, that such a crossing as well as costing money, would interfere with traffic flow.’
The committee of the Beach Road Residents’ Association (BRRA) will hold and emergency meeting tonight to discuss the situation.

(a)    Indentify the text from which this passage is taken?
(b)   How could the pedestrians avoid accidents in the situation described in the text?
(c)    Why is the authority hesitant to install a pedestrian crossing?
(d)   What does BRRA plan to do tonight?


(A)  This passage has been taken from the news paper article entitled Beach Road Traffic Nightmare Residents Say ‘STOP!’

(B)   Although spokesman of traffic Authorities refused to make any plan to solve the problem of building a pedestrian crossing yet the situation would be considered carefully. If there would be a need for some form of crossing its installation would receive due consideration. In this way the pedestrians could avoid accidents by having installing a pedestrian crossing.

(C)   According to the spokesman, the need for installing pedestrian crossing would be seriously considered though it would cost a lot of money. Then they ignored the genuine grievances of the residents of area due to financial difficulties. So they were hesitant because it would have costed them money as well as would interfere with the traffic flow.

(D)   The concerned Road Transport authorities promulgated new traffic arrangement in the Beach Road. The residents of the area expressed their dissatisfaction with the new traffic condition of this area. Because the new traffic arrangements of Beach Road was turned their life into a nightmare.
According to the contents of the article under study the committee of Beach Road Resident Association (BRRA) has decided to hold an emergency meeting on the same night to propose their future action to have their grievances met properly by the concerned authorities.       

Read the following passage from your text book and answer the question given below:
What a libel that reputation is By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals. They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled by a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true, immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which the passage has been taken?
This passage has been taken from the unit-3 “Gentle Giants” written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist.

(b)   What is the family system of gorillas?
According to the observation of the author gorillas are naturally gentle and inoffensive. They are mostly found in the forest of Africa. They live in family groups that are ruled by a big strong giant male he looks after all the females and the offspring with utmost care even at the cost of his life. The leader is very stout physically strong and can tear off the branches of the trees. The gorillas do not use their strength against other animals.
(c)    What is the true nature of gorillas?
Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive. Their monstrous character has been viewed when an American explorer published a book about him hunting gorillas in the African forests including a drawing of a wounded gorilla ape standing above the body of the fallen hunter. In 1930, a film “King Kong” was picturised   in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York.
Besides this according to Attenborough gorillas are gentle and inoffensive. Further it is added that documentary film makers of wild life have found the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use their strength against other animals they do not attack unless they are attacked or startled.    
(d)   For each of the following words/phrases find words from the passage with similar meaning :
1.      False and malicious.                                    Libel
2.      Defend                                                       Protests
3.      Fame.                                                         Reputation
4.      One who eats no meat.                               Vegetarian

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
The class numbering about 150 students was composed largely of young men from the neighbouring towns. They were rude, boisterous and riotous beyond comparison. On several occasions the residents of the neighborhood sent written protests to the college threatening to have the college indicted as a nuisance if the disturbance did not cease.

(a)    Identify the text from which the passage is taken?
            The extract the title of Unit-4 “The Door Swings Open” has been taken from the article “They Dared to be Doctors” written by Mary St. J. Fancourt.  

(b)   What type of students did the college have?
An American woman Elizabeth Blackwell was determined to become a doctor. She applied in Geneva Collage. Eventually (           ) she got the admission facing much opposition.
Elizabeth arrived at the college and shortly after words she was introduced by the dean to the students. At that time there were 150 students in that college. The were all young men from the neighbouring towns. All of them had a notorious (           ) reputation of being noisy in disciplined and disorderly in the college. They even did not allow the professor to deliver their lectures who had bad reputation in the neighbor-hood. 

(c)    How did the residents react to the behaviour of the college students?
There were 150 young men students in the college. They were careless noisy and in disciplined. The residents of neighbour-hood of Geneva Collage were tired of the nuisance and disturbances created by these students. The residents of that area had protested many times about the attitude of the college students. They also sent written protest to the college authorities they even threatened that if the students of college do not stop their evil behaviour then they would have the college categorized as a public nuisance before the government authorities and to have it closed.

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

1.      Noisy                                                         :           Boisterous
2.      Incomparable                                             :           Beyond comparison
3.      Accused                                                     :           Indicted


Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
That first day alone-and now I was really alone at last steadily declined in excitement and vigour. As I tramped through the dust towards Wiltshire Downs a growing reluctance weighed me down. Through the solitary morning and afternoon I found myself longing for some opposition or rescue, for the sound of hurting footsteps coming after me and family voices calling me back.

(a)    Identify the text from which the passage is taken?
            The passage has been taken from the lesson “London Road” an extract from the novel “As I walked out one mid-summer morning” written by Laurie Lee .  

(b)   What did the narrator of the story feel when he became lonely?
The youth who was 19 years old and not fully matured was indeed and self contended person who had firm believe that he would surely build good fortune by going to London. Thus alone travelled the brave son of Adam when his village paradise was lost. He confidently trotted on London Road for the first day His excitement and vigour (             ) gradually deteriorated (                    ) He tramped through this dust to words the treeless hills of Wiltshire Downs.      

(c)    What did the desire from his family at his moment or loneliness?
Where he was leaving the village to make his future bright his mother standing at the bank raised in farewell and blessing her hand.
            Now he was walking on foot through the treeless hills Wiltshire on dusty road. He was overwhelmed (                    ) by a strange type of feeling of home sickness he developed a secret desire that some one should come to rescue him and force him to return to his home country and his sub-conscience (                 ) heard the sound of hurrying footsteps coming after him and voices of his two brother and mother calling him back.  

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

1.   Unwillingness to do something               :           reluctance
2.   An obstacle                                                      :           opposition
3.   Desiring some thing very much.             :           longed

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
That image took root in the public imagination. In the 1930’s Hollywood built it into a nightmare with the film king Kong in which a gigantic ape was captured and then eventually terrorized New York.
What a libel that reputation is. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled b a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off the branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which this passage has been taken?
            This passage has been taken from unit-3 “Gentle Giants written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist. .  
(b)   How did gorillas get a bad reputation and what is their true nature?
Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive their monstrous character had been viewed when an American explorer published a book about hunting gorillas in the African forests including a drawing of a wounded giant ape standing above the body of a fallen hunter. In 1930 a film “King Kong” was picturised in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York.
Besides this according to Attenborough gorillas are gentle and inoffensive animals Further it is added that documentary film makers of wild life have proved the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use the strength against other animals. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
(C)  What is the family system of gorillas?
According to the observation of the author gorillas are naturally gentle and inoffensive they are mostly found in the forest of Africa they live in family groups that are ruled by a big strong giant male he looks after all the females and the offspring with utmost care even at the cost of his life. The leader is very stout physically strong and can tear off the branches of the trees. The gorillas do not use their strength against other animals.
(f)     For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:
1.      A horrifying dream.                   :           Nightmare
2.      Causing no harm.                      :           Inoffensive
3.      False and malicious                   :           Libel
PRIVATE 2008 and 2005
Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
One morning, unexpectedly, a lady entered the lecture room with the dean; she was quite small of stature, plainly dressed, appeared different and retiring but had a firm and determined expression on her face. Her entry into the bedlam of confusion acted like magic on every student. Each hurriedly sought his seat and the utmost silence prevailed. For the first time a lecture was given without the slightest interruption, and every word could be heard as distinctly as would be if there had been but single person in the room. The sudden transformation of this class from a band of lawless desperadoes to gentlemen by the mere presence of a lady, proved to be permanent in its effects.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which this passage has been taken?
            This is an extract from Unit-4 “The Door Swings open” from the article entitled “They Dared to be Doctors” written by Mary St. J. Fan court. 

(b)   What changes in the behavior of the students took place at the entry of a lady?
A dramatic change occurred when Elizabeth Black well joined Geneva Collage. Her admission acted as a magic. All the male students met a woman of short structure, plainly dressed with a deffered retiring appearance.
Each student hurriedly sought his seat and continued their studies under calm and quiet atmosphere the lecture was given without slightest interruption, and the silence was so great that it was very easy to hear a single word of what the dean said. It was plenty the effective inspiration of a lady student that they had ceased disturbance and began to behave well in the class room
It is true that “Change is the law of life” which occurred in Geneva college.           

(c)    How long did this transformation last?
With the entry of a single woman in the Geneva College all the students were transformed into a group of responsible and polite gentle men this transformation lasted throughout her stay in the class.

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

  1. Scene of uproar                                    :           Badlame
  2. Fond of being alone                              :           retiring
  3. A group of reckless persons                  :           band of lawless desperadoes

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the question that follow:
            The vagrants were those for whom capping had not worked properly. Their minds had refused to accept the conditioning of the Tripods and in refusing had been broken. They wandered from place to place, never resting long, and were looked after but pitied and disliked by normal capped men and women. Now, I found myself more interested in them, particularly in the one who called himself Ozymandias, a big, red haired, red bearded man who sang strange songs, and spoke lines of poetry, and mixed sense and nonsense when he talked. Defying my parents. I invited him to come to the den which Jack and I had made just outside the village.

(a)    Identify the text from which the above passage has been taken?
            This passage has been taken from a ficticous story “The Tripods” which is written by Jhon Christopher.  

(b)   Who were the vagrants?
            The vagrants were the ones for whom capping had not worked properly. Their minds had refused to accept this in human domination of the Tripods. They wondered place to place wearing a false cap.   

(c)    What did ‘normal’ people feel about them?
            Being brain washed the capped men and women thought themselves to be a normal and even perfect and superiors to the vagrants. So they pitied and disliked them thinking them to be imperfect and not having any settled life.
(d)   Give a description of Ozymandias?
            Ozymandias was a big red bearded man. He was a romantic man interested in poetry and singing songs. He was not very intelligent and could not differentiate between sense and non-sense. In true sense he posing as vagrant so that he could freely travel through the land without being challenged. He wore a bogus cap to cheat the people.
(e)    Explain the meaning of the following words:

  1. Defying                                     :           Disobey  
  2. Wandered                                :           Roomed aimlessly
  3. Tripods                                    :           Footed creature


Read the following passage and answers the questions given below:

In the 1930’s Hollywood built it into a nightmare with the film King Kong in which a gigantic ape was captured and then eventually terrorized New York. What a libel that reputation is. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
            They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled by a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off the branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Write the title of the text from which the above passage has been taken?
      This passage has been taken from the text titled “Gentle Giants” written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist.

(b)   How did gorillas get a bad reputation?
            Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive. Their monstrous character had been viewed when an American explorer published a book about hunting gorillas in the forests of Africa including a drawing of a wounded giant ape standing above the body of a fallen hunter. It lips were pulled back in a fearsome roar bending a rifle with its bear hands in 1930’s a film “King Kong was pictured in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York. It is how gorillas got a bad reputation.
(c)    What is the writer’s own belief about gorillas?
            According to author’ own belief gorillas by nature are gentle and inoffensive animals. In addition to eat documentary film makers of wild life hove proved the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use their strength against other animals.      

(d)   Explain the meaning of the following words:

1.      Nightmare                                :           A horrifying dream. 
2.      Inoffensive                                :           Causing no harm
3.      Vegetarian                                :           Eating plants only.


Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answer the questions that follow:

Asked if there were any plans to install a pedestrian crossing as already demanded by some residents, the spokesman replied, ‘We have no such plans at present. However, we will be monitoring the situation carefully, and if there seems to be a need for some from of crossing, it will receive serious consideration, it should be pointed out, however, that such a crossing as well as costing money, would interfere with traffic flow.’
The committee of the Beach Road Residents’ Association (BRRA) will hold and emergency meeting tonight to discuss the situation.

(a)    Indentify the text from which this passage is taken?
(b)   How could the pedestrians avoid accidents in the situation described in the text?
(c)    Why is the authority hesitant to install a pedestrian crossing?
(d)   What does BRRA plan to do tonight?


(A)  This passage has been taken from the news paper article entitled Beach Road Traffic Nightmare Residents Say ‘STOP!’

(B)   Although spokesman of traffic Authorities refused to make any plan to solve the problem of building a pedestrian crossing yet the situation would be considered carefully. If there would be a need for some form of crossing its installation would receive due consideration. In this way the pedestrians could avoid accidents by having installing a pedestrian crossing.

(C)   According to the spokesman, the need for installing pedestrian crossing would be seriously considered though it would cost a lot of money. Then they ignored the genuine grievances of the residents of area due to financial difficulties. So they were hesitant because it would have costed them money as well as would interfere with the traffic flow.

(D)   The concerned Road Transport authorities promulgated new traffic arrangement in the Beach Road. The residents of the area expressed their dissatisfaction with the new traffic condition of this area. Because the new traffic arrangements of Beach Road was turned their life into a nightmare.
According to the contents of the article under study the committee of Beach Road Resident Association (BRRA) has decided to hold an emergency meeting on the same night to propose their future action to have their grievances met properly by the concerned authorities.       

Read the following passage from your text book and answer the question given below:
What a libel that reputation is By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals. They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled by a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true, immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which the passage has been taken?
This passage has been taken from the unit-3 “Gentle Giants” written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist.

(b)   What is the family system of gorillas?
According to the observation of the author gorillas are naturally gentle and inoffensive. They are mostly found in the forest of Africa. They live in family groups that are ruled by a big strong giant male he looks after all the females and the offspring with utmost care even at the cost of his life. The leader is very stout physically strong and can tear off the branches of the trees. The gorillas do not use their strength against other animals.
(c)    What is the true nature of gorillas?
Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive. Their monstrous character has been viewed when an American explorer published a book about him hunting gorillas in the African forests including a drawing of a wounded gorilla ape standing above the body of the fallen hunter. In 1930, a film “King Kong” was picturised   in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York.
Besides this according to Attenborough gorillas are gentle and inoffensive. Further it is added that documentary film makers of wild life have found the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use their strength against other animals they do not attack unless they are attacked or startled.    
(d)   For each of the following words/phrases find words from the passage with similar meaning :
1.      False and malicious.                                    Libel
2.      Defend                                                       Protests
3.      Fame.                                                         Reputation
4.      One who eats no meat.                               Vegetarian

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
The class numbering about 150 students was composed largely of young men from the neighbouring towns. They were rude, boisterous and riotous beyond comparison. On several occasions the residents of the neighborhood sent written protests to the college threatening to have the college indicted as a nuisance if the disturbance did not cease.

(a)    Identify the text from which the passage is taken?
            The extract the title of Unit-4 “The Door Swings Open” has been taken from the article “They Dared to be Doctors” written by Mary St. J. Fancourt.  

(b)   What type of students did the college have?
An American woman Elizabeth Blackwell was determined to become a doctor. She applied in Geneva Collage. Eventually (           ) she got the admission facing much opposition.
Elizabeth arrived at the college and shortly after words she was introduced by the dean to the students. At that time there were 150 students in that college. The were all young men from the neighbouring towns. All of them had a notorious (           ) reputation of being noisy in disciplined and disorderly in the college. They even did not allow the professor to deliver their lectures who had bad reputation in the neighbor-hood. 

(c)    How did the residents react to the behaviour of the college students?
There were 150 young men students in the college. They were careless noisy and in disciplined. The residents of neighbour-hood of Geneva Collage were tired of the nuisance and disturbances created by these students. The residents of that area had protested many times about the attitude of the college students. They also sent written protest to the college authorities they even threatened that if the students of college do not stop their evil behaviour then they would have the college categorized as a public nuisance before the government authorities and to have it closed.

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

1.      Noisy                                                         :           Boisterous
2.      Incomparable                                             :           Beyond comparison
3.      Accused                                                     :           Indicted


Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
That first day alone-and now I was really alone at last steadily declined in excitement and vigour. As I tramped through the dust towards Wiltshire Downs a growing reluctance weighed me down. Through the solitary morning and afternoon I found myself longing for some opposition or rescue, for the sound of hurting footsteps coming after me and family voices calling me back.

(a)    Identify the text from which the passage is taken?
            The passage has been taken from the lesson “London Road” an extract from the novel “As I walked out one mid-summer morning” written by Laurie Lee .  

(b)   What did the narrator of the story feel when he became lonely?
The youth who was 19 years old and not fully matured was indeed and self contended person who had firm believe that he would surely build good fortune by going to London. Thus alone travelled the brave son of Adam when his village paradise was lost. He confidently trotted on London Road for the first day His excitement and vigour (             ) gradually deteriorated (                    ) He tramped through this dust to words the treeless hills of Wiltshire Downs.      

(c)    What did the desire from his family at his moment or loneliness?
Where he was leaving the village to make his future bright his mother standing at the bank raised in farewell and blessing her hand.
            Now he was walking on foot through the treeless hills Wiltshire on dusty road. He was overwhelmed (                    ) by a strange type of feeling of home sickness he developed a secret desire that some one should come to rescue him and force him to return to his home country and his sub-conscience (                 ) heard the sound of hurrying footsteps coming after him and voices of his two brother and mother calling him back.  

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

1.   Unwillingness to do something               :           reluctance
2.   An obstacle                                                      :           opposition
3.   Desiring some thing very much.             :           longed

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
That image took root in the public imagination. In the 1930’s Hollywood built it into a nightmare with the film king Kong in which a gigantic ape was captured and then eventually terrorized New York.
What a libel that reputation is. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled b a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off the branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which this passage has been taken?
            This passage has been taken from unit-3 “Gentle Giants written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist. .  
(b)   How did gorillas get a bad reputation and what is their true nature?
Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive their monstrous character had been viewed when an American explorer published a book about hunting gorillas in the African forests including a drawing of a wounded giant ape standing above the body of a fallen hunter. In 1930 a film “King Kong” was picturised in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York.
Besides this according to Attenborough gorillas are gentle and inoffensive animals Further it is added that documentary film makers of wild life have proved the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use the strength against other animals. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
(C)  What is the family system of gorillas?
According to the observation of the author gorillas are naturally gentle and inoffensive they are mostly found in the forest of Africa they live in family groups that are ruled by a big strong giant male he looks after all the females and the offspring with utmost care even at the cost of his life. The leader is very stout physically strong and can tear off the branches of the trees. The gorillas do not use their strength against other animals.
(f)     For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:
1.      A horrifying dream.                   :           Nightmare
2.      Causing no harm.                      :           Inoffensive
3.      False and malicious                   :           Libel
PRIVATE 2008 and 2005
Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the questions that follow:
One morning, unexpectedly, a lady entered the lecture room with the dean; she was quite small of stature, plainly dressed, appeared different and retiring but had a firm and determined expression on her face. Her entry into the bedlam of confusion acted like magic on every student. Each hurriedly sought his seat and the utmost silence prevailed. For the first time a lecture was given without the slightest interruption, and every word could be heard as distinctly as would be if there had been but single person in the room. The sudden transformation of this class from a band of lawless desperadoes to gentlemen by the mere presence of a lady, proved to be permanent in its effects.

(a)    Identify the reading text from which this passage has been taken?
            This is an extract from Unit-4 “The Door Swings open” from the article entitled “They Dared to be Doctors” written by Mary St. J. Fan court. 

(b)   What changes in the behavior of the students took place at the entry of a lady?
A dramatic change occurred when Elizabeth Black well joined Geneva Collage. Her admission acted as a magic. All the male students met a woman of short structure, plainly dressed with a deffered retiring appearance.
Each student hurriedly sought his seat and continued their studies under calm and quiet atmosphere the lecture was given without slightest interruption, and the silence was so great that it was very easy to hear a single word of what the dean said. It was plenty the effective inspiration of a lady student that they had ceased disturbance and began to behave well in the class room
It is true that “Change is the law of life” which occurred in Geneva college.           

(c)    How long did this transformation last?
With the entry of a single woman in the Geneva College all the students were transformed into a group of responsible and polite gentle men this transformation lasted throughout her stay in the class.

(d)   For each of the following words, find word / phrases from the passage with similar meaning:

  1. Scene of uproar                                    :           Badlame
  2. Fond of being alone                              :           retiring
  3. A group of reckless persons                  :           band of lawless desperadoes

Read the following passage extracted from your text book and answers the question that follow:
            The vagrants were those for whom capping had not worked properly. Their minds had refused to accept the conditioning of the Tripods and in refusing had been broken. They wandered from place to place, never resting long, and were looked after but pitied and disliked by normal capped men and women. Now, I found myself more interested in them, particularly in the one who called himself Ozymandias, a big, red haired, red bearded man who sang strange songs, and spoke lines of poetry, and mixed sense and nonsense when he talked. Defying my parents. I invited him to come to the den which Jack and I had made just outside the village.

(a)    Identify the text from which the above passage has been taken?
            This passage has been taken from a ficticous story “The Tripods” which is written by Jhon Christopher.  

(b)   Who were the vagrants?
            The vagrants were the ones for whom capping had not worked properly. Their minds had refused to accept this in human domination of the Tripods. They wondered place to place wearing a false cap.   

(c)    What did ‘normal’ people feel about them?
            Being brain washed the capped men and women thought themselves to be a normal and even perfect and superiors to the vagrants. So they pitied and disliked them thinking them to be imperfect and not having any settled life.
(d)   Give a description of Ozymandias?
            Ozymandias was a big red bearded man. He was a romantic man interested in poetry and singing songs. He was not very intelligent and could not differentiate between sense and non-sense. In true sense he posing as vagrant so that he could freely travel through the land without being challenged. He wore a bogus cap to cheat the people.
(e)    Explain the meaning of the following words:

  1. Defying                                     :           Disobey  
  2. Wandered                                :           Roomed aimlessly
  3. Tripods                                    :           Footed creature


Read the following passage and answers the questions given below:

In the 1930’s Hollywood built it into a nightmare with the film King Kong in which a gigantic ape was captured and then eventually terrorized New York. What a libel that reputation is. By nature they are gentle and inoffensive animals.
            They are almost entirely vegetarian and spend their days eating leaves and juicy stems in the thick forests of Africa. They live in family groups, each ruled by a big male who looks after and protects his family with great care. They are, it is true immensely strong and can rip apart banana stems and tear off the branches of trees as they need to do in order to feed. But their strength is hardly ever used against other animals.

(a)    Write the title of the text from which the above passage has been taken?
      This passage has been taken from the text titled “Gentle Giants” written by David Attenborough a well renown naturalist.

(b)   How did gorillas get a bad reputation?
            Most people believe gorillas are dangerous and aggressive. Their monstrous character had been viewed when an American explorer published a book about hunting gorillas in the forests of Africa including a drawing of a wounded giant ape standing above the body of a fallen hunter. It lips were pulled back in a fearsome roar bending a rifle with its bear hands in 1930’s a film “King Kong was pictured in Hollywood in which horrible activities of a gigantic ape were shown terrorizing the entire city of New York. It is how gorillas got a bad reputation.
(c)    What is the writer’s own belief about gorillas?
            According to author’ own belief gorillas by nature are gentle and inoffensive animals. In addition to eat documentary film makers of wild life hove proved the gorillas to be possessing gentle and affectionate behavior with each other. They mainly eat vegetables, leaves and juicy stems. They love and protect their families. They do not use their strength against other animals.      

(d)   Explain the meaning of the following words:

1.      Nightmare                                :           A horrifying dream. 
2.      Inoffensive                                :           Causing no harm
3.      Vegetarian                                :           Eating plants only.